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“The Red Road” Coil Bracelet. $325. SOLD.

The Red Road Coil Bracelet

The Red Road is a place of symbol and metaphor, a path of wisdom and a life lived well. For some, it is that which we call the Tipi Way; for others, it refers to sobriety; for still others, it denotes the way in which we are given to go well through life. Wings honors all three meanings with this coil, a spiraling path of fiery color and symbolic power. It begins at either end with tiny old-style faceted copper barrel beads, each leading into a length of warm red sponge-coral rondels, thence to tiny polished nuggets of branch coral. Paired segments of glowing amber, bisected by scarlet and white spiny ouster shell, lead to seven diamond-faceted faceted ovals of smoky quartz at the center, a tribute to the sacred number. It’s the embodiment of the Red Road, the Sacred Hoop, an infinite ribbon of sunlight and warm fire and the blood that flows through our veins, all leading toward the visionary wisdom of Spirit’s Eye. Designed jointly by Wings and Aji.

Memory wire; smoky quartz; amber; branch coral; sponge coral; copper
$325 + shipping, handling, and insurance

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