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“The Eye of Spirit” Coil Bracelet. $325. SOLD.

The Eye of Spirit Coul Bracelet

In our cultures, we look to Spirit as the source of Creation, of guidance, of wisdom itself. An ancient traditional symbol is the Eye of Spirit, a roughly diamond-shaped image that evokes the Great Mystery’s omniscient powers of sight, powers than can be transmitted to us in visions and dreams. Wings honors this great symbol of Spirit with this coil bracelet, centered with three great beads of smoky quartz, each diamond-faceted across its broad surface to form dozens of small eyes within the greater Eye. The center beads are flanked with smooth shimmering nuggets of labradorite interspersed with glossy onyx barrel beads in two separate lengths, like daylight studding strands of night wound around in the great infinite that is life’s sacred hoop. Single faceted smoky quartz beads separate the segments of shorter onyx beads, and bisect them from their longer counterparts. The coil terminates at either end in a length of small glowing heishi-cut disc beads of shimmering labradorite. Combined, they embrace the Eye of Spirit in the grounding of earth and ascendance of light, in the illumination of the moon and the color of night. Designed jointly by Wings and Aji.

Memory wire; smoky quartz; labradorite; onyx
$325 + shipping, handling, and insurance







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