It is the summer storm that brings the rains to the high desert, a vortex of cobalt clouds blessing the land and turning it lush and green. Wings captures the colors of the monsoon season in this coil bracelet, one with more coils than usual, and larger amount of stone. A pair of large oval beads of dark blue lapis shot through with wispy golds and grays anchor either end like thunderheads. The rain begins with small rondels of azurite with malachite, touching down against dark green malachite the shade of summer’s greens. The malachite leads to segments of green turquoise barrel beads and rondels interspersed with large chunky green turquoise nuggets spiraling to the center, where there rests another large oval bead, this one the perfect hue of a robin’s egg. Joint design by Wings and Aji.
Stainless steel; green turquoise, malachite, azurite with malachite; lapis lazuli
$325 + shipping, handling, and insurance
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