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Primary Colors

Turquoise Melon Shell Heishi Coral Coil Bracelet

In this place, we are fortunate still to be blessed each year with four discrete seasons — each with its own distinct soul, its own feel, its own symbols and spirits. Each has its own shades, too, Mother Earth’s own primary colors that appear mostly or only in one of them, but over the course of a year all eventually combining, like the spectrum itself, to converge in the white light of winter.

We are, at last, leaving behind those paler hues: Over the least three days, the warmth has kickstarted growth, and the fields are suddenly brilliant green against bright blue skies, robes studded with the bright pure yellow of dandelion stands. Even the golden buds on the trees are newly-tinged with red, full and ripe and ready to flower.

We’ve spend the week exploring the blessings of the blues, among them, unity. Today’s featured work captures that theme, unifying the three primary colors in a spiraling hoop of elemental spirits. From its description in the Bracelets Gallery here on the site:

Water and Sky Coil Bracelet

Wings pulls two elements into a colorful vortex with this coral bracelet in fiercely traditional substances and shades. Ancient spirits of the waters join with the Skystone, itself a product of the influences of earth and fire, to create a spiraling hoop that evokes the powers of the desert Southwest. Lengths of chunky little nuggets of spiderweb turquoise, sky blue with just a hint of green, are flanked by green turquoise barrel beads. Each segment is separated by matched lengths of softly apricot-hued melon-shell heishi, each centered by a single old barrel bead of blood-red branch coral. A single coral bead anchors the coil at either end. Joint design by Wings and Aji.

Stainless steel; turquoise; melon-shell heishi; branch coral
$225 + shipping, handling, and insurance

The blue of turquoise, the red of coral, the yellow of melon shell . . . all converge in a whirl of spring winds, encircling the wearer with their own forms of protection and power. No, they don’t turn magically to white, at least within the spectrum of light that the human eye can perceive. But they are, like the colors of the light itself, far greater, far more powerful, than the mere sum of their parts. United, they invoke the spirits of earth and sky and waters alike in an endlessly spiraling sacred hoop.

On a day when spring is finally making its presence known, it’s a beautiful manifestation of seasonal clarity and year-long unity: a circle of protection in the power of primary colors.

~ Aji



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