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“Earth and Light” Cuff Bracelet. $825. SOLD.

Earth and Light Cuff Top View

The earth warms and grows beneath the light. Wings honors both with this cuff made of sterling silver triangle wire, slender but solid. The apex of the band is accented with dozens of small stamps, rows and rays flanked on either angled side by a chased pattern of rising suns. At either end, the band is hammered into a smooth oval disc angled gently inward. At the point where the apex begins to slope downward, each side is set with a tiny round cabochon of soft green jade, the color of new grass, nestled in a saw-toothed bezel. Beneath each jade cab rests a brilliant oval cabochon of tiger’s eye, also set into a saw-toothed bezel, each stone the warm rich brown of the earth, shot through at the center with a chatoyant line of golden light. Other views shown below.

Sterling silver; tiger’s eye; jade
$825 + shipping, handling, and insurance


Underside, showing first cabochon pair:

Earth and Light Cuff Cabs 2


Underside, showing second cabochon pair:

Earth and Light Cuff Cabs 1








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