In our world, Father Sun is red. Wings captures his image in its purest form, two perfect garnet spheres of deepest scarlet placed at the center of a silvery sky. The earrings themselves are perfect circles of solid silver, lightly domed, repoussé-fashion, into traditional conchas. On the convex side, each garnet opens into concentric orbits of hand-stamped rays, each created by melding and linking traditional symbols in a revolving cycle: a starburst ringed by whirling spirals of stardust, each ray ending in a flared spoke of the sunrise itself. On the reverse, Wings’s hallmark rests in a guiding star set to ordinal points, each spoke carried by a tiny butterfly to the edges of the dawn. Earrings are 1.25 inches across. Reverse shown below.
Sterling silver; garnet
$375 + shipping, handling, and insurance
All content, including photos and text, are copyright Wings and Aji, 2015; all rights reserved. Nothing herein may used or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the owners.