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“Dawn of a Red Sun” Earrings. $375. SOLD.

Dawn of a Red Sun Earrings Front Resized

In our world, Father Sun is red. Wings captures his image in its purest form, two perfect garnet spheres of deepest scarlet placed at the center of a silvery sky. The earrings themselves are perfect circles of solid silver, lightly domed, repoussé-fashion, into traditional conchas. On the convex side, each garnet opens into concentric orbits of hand-stamped rays, each created by melding and linking traditional symbols in a revolving cycle: a starburst ringed by whirling spirals of stardust, each ray ending in a flared spoke of the sunrise itself. On the reverse, Wings’s hallmark rests in a guiding star set to ordinal points, each spoke carried by a tiny butterfly to the edges of the dawn. Earrings are 1.25 inches across. Reverse shown below.

Sterling silver; garnet
$375 + shipping, handling, and insurance


Sawn of a Red Sun Earrings Reverse Resized








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