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The First Medicine falls from the heart of the sky, an atmospheric gift to the earth, and to us. With this traditional belt buckle, Wings evokes the radiance of the alpine desert sky, its strong but gentle blue, and the old signifiers of love on a cosmic scale. The buckle is wrought of heavy-gauge sterling […]

In our own small plane of existence, from our own human perspective, our world is the center of all things. Indigenous cultures affirm this reality in our origin stories, in how we understand Turtle Island beneath the skies, amidst the winds, above the point of emergence. Wings pays tribute to this vision, one lived daily […]

Arrowheads mark the clockwise path of the sun on this domed and scalloped concha-style belt buckle. Edged in hand-stamped sunrise symbols and other traditional patterns, the center focal point is set with a round cabochon of natural green turquoise. Sterling silver; turquoise $525 + shipping, handling, and insurance SOLD All content, including photos and text, […]

Like the sun bursting open in the Pueblo sky, this concha-style belt buckle blooms like a summer flower.  At the center rests an oval cabochon of old natural turquoise, surrounded by raised repoussé “rays” edged by sunrise symbols.  Additional hand-stamped sunrise symbols accent the buckle’s scalloped edges. Sterling silver; turquoise $480 + shipping, handling, and insurance […]

At the center of this dress buckle, a hand-stamped Evening Star is surrounded by crescent moon patterns.  Around the buckle’s edge in an alternating pattern are hand-stamped tipis, traditional representations of the lodges used by many peoples for living, sleeping, and healing. Buckle is 2″ long by 1-5/8″ high (dimensions approximate). Sterling silver $255 + shipping, […]

At this buckle’s center, a Morning Star is surrounded by images of the setting crescent moon. Edging the buckle are hand-stamped representations of squash blossoms, slowly unfolding with dawn’s arrival. Buckle is 2″ long by 1-5/8″ high (dimensions approximate). Sterling silver $255 + shipping, handling, and insurance SOLD               All […]

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